Ektron CMS400.Net Reference

>>Managing Content > Document Management System > AssetControl Server Control

AssetControl Server Control

The AssetControl server control, when viewed on a Web form, displays a drag and drop icon that lets users upload new assets or update an existing one. When this icon is clicked, a drag and drop box appears. This box is similar to the upload box in the Workarea. See Also: Add Assets Button: Drag Drop Tab

The difference between the Workarea and the server control is, in the Workarea users can only upload assets. With the AssetControl server control, users can upload a new asset or update an existing one by overwriting it. Even though the asset is overwritten, the previous version is still available through Ektron CMS400.NET’s history feature. See Also: Viewing and Restoring Previous Content

The appearance of the AssetControl server control can vary depending on your browser. For more information, see Methods for Importing Documents.

AssetControl Server Control Properties

The AssetControl server control properties are described in this table.

Note: The following table only lists Ektron-specific properties. It does not describe native .NET properties such as font, height, width and border style. For documentation of these properties, see Visual Studio help.



Data Type


Indicates if you are logged in to the CMS Explorer and can use it to browse to Content, Collections, etc. See Also: Using CMS Explorer to Browse Your Ektron CMS400.NET Site



The ID of the asset you want to update. This property is used when the UploadType property is set to Update. See Also: UploadType

If you don’t know the ID number of the asset, use the CMS Explorer to browse to it. See Also: Using CMS Explorer to Browse Your Ektron CMS400.NET Site



The ID of the folder where assets are added. This property is used when the UploadType property is set to Add. See Also: UploadType

If you don’t know the ID number of the folder, use the CMS Explorer to browse to it. See Also: Using CMS Explorer to Browse Your Ektron CMS400.NET Site




By default, Fill occurs during the Page_Init event. Set to false if you want to postpone the fill-action until later. In this case, FIll is automatically called during the Page Render event.

You might do this if you need to set or change a property on the control in codebehind and have it render with your changes shown.



Gets or sets the QueryString parameter to read a content ID or folder ID dynamically. The content ID is read when the UploadType property is set to Update. The folder ID is read when UploadType property is set to Add. To use the default content ID or default folder ID, leave blank.

See Also: UploadType



Used to hide output of AssetControl in design time and run time.

True = Hide AssetControl

False = Display AssetControl



Setting this control to 1 (one) restricts the control so only images can be uploaded.

1 (one) - restrict the control to uploading images only.

0 (zero) - upload all types of assets.



Set a language for viewing the collection. This property shows results in design-time (in Visual Studio) and at run-time (in a browser).



Allows you to restrict the type of asset that can be uploaded by its extension. For example, to restrict the control to uploading Word documents, enter doc in the property.

Warning! When using this property, enter only the extension’s letters not the wildcard (*) or the dot (.).

You can add multiple extensions by creating a comma separated list of extensions. Ektron recommends limiting the list to five extensions.



Suppresses the output of the span/div tags around the control. The default is False.

True - Suppress wrap tags.

False - Allow wrap tags.



The ID of the taxonomy with which to associate the asset. See Also: Taxonomy



Select whether the control adds new assets or updates existing ones.

Select Add to add assets and use the DefaultFolderID property. See Also: DefaultFolderID.

If a file of the same name already exists in the folder, the new file is created using the naming convention filename(2).

Select Update to update assets. In this case, you must identify an asset at the DefaultAssetID property. See Also: DefaultAssetID.

The default is Add.



Allows a developer to specify a server control’s tag.

The default is Span.

Span - The <span> tag is used to designate an inline portion of an HTML document as a span element.

Div - The <div> tag is used when you want to apply attributes to a block of code.

Custom - Allows you to use a custom tag.


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Ektron CMS400.NET Reference Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1

Ektron Documentation,© 2011 Ektron, Inc.